I hate people who complain and I could go on and on for hours about why it bothers me so much, though obviously this isn't the place for it, but ya know, people who complain a lot, and especially those who just start venting with no clear invitation or express permission are so annoying, and another thing is those who are constantly judging others, and are often so unconscious that they don't even realize they're doing it, and then you're just left sitting there, thinking, okay? what do you want me to do with this? and I think the main thing I hate about people like that is that the only thing you can really do is to just cut them off mid sentenc

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Great issue. I never knew of the distinction between complaining and venting until now.

Love the reminder to smell the roses as well!

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Rachael Tiss

As usual after reading your pieces, I come away with learnings and value, this time from a distinction between two words / actions I hadn't even considered!

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I didn't know the difference between venting and complaining. I'm usually on the opposite side of this, listening to my partner's venting (that I now know is NOT complaining and instead looks for reflection and not expressing dissatisfaction). I now need to know how to properly respond to people who are venting.

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This is such a great breakdown! I've been guilty of complaining and venting at work. Complaining I never feel great about. You're right, it's a fixation and I find that I end up snowballing negative thoughts about my workplace. Venting seems to be stemmed in one issue that I feel the need to be expressed and heard about. Love the Venn Diagram too!

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Beautiful piece on a distinction that I never paid too much attention to. Until now. You always make me think, Rach. Thank you.

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